Introduction of Data Science

The Introduction to Data Science class will survey the foundational topics in data science, namely:

  • Data Manipulation
  • Data Analysis with Statistics and Machine Learning
  • Data Communication with Information Visualization
  • Data at Scale -- Working with Big Data

The class will focus on breadth and present the topics briefly instead of focusing on a single topic in depth. This will give you the opportunity to sample and apply the basic techniques of data science.

The What, Why, and How of Data Science POCs

In the white paper, you'll find:

  • A close look at what defines a POC, including what it should entail and accomplish.
  • A detailed walk-through of seven steps to running a successful POC, from choosing a use case to defining deliverables and everything in between.
  • Checklists and ideal timelines as practical resources for guiding your next data science POC.

A successful POC is an efficient POC. Getting organized, starting the POC, and executing quickly make the final phase (evaluation) extremely easy. But what exactly makes a POC efficient (and therefore successful)? This white paper has answers.

Data science projects

Although the concept of Advanced Analytics has been trending for many years, many organizations today still struggle in understanding its meaning, envisioning the opportunities and embracing a successful implementation. element61 considers Advanced Analytics as the logical next step and strengthened by our 10-year experience in Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing and Performance Management, we envision the use of advanced analytics as a valuable addition in a best-practice Business Analytics architecture.

We are convinced Analytics can be accessible for companies of all size, doesnt require a big investment and will bring added-value.

successful data science case studies

There s nothing new in brands using analytics to improve their process and increase their gains. But the scale of the data they use to do this has increased tremendously over the last few years. That s why you need to read how the following brands leveraged data science to achieve their business goals:

They are an American fast food chain that operates over 500 restaurants in the US and was started back in 1941. Today, they possess proprietary software called Smoke Stack which was built by service providers iOLAP. Smoke Stack reads data from POS systems, loyalty programs, promotions, surveys and inventory records and provides real-time feedback to improve sales and optimize other processes.

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