Introduction of data science projects

Data science projects offer you a promising way to kick-start your career in this field. Not only do you get to learn data science by applying it, you also get projects to showcase on your CV Nowadays, recruiters evaluate a candidate s potential by his/her work and don t put a lot of emphasis on certifications. It wouldn t matter if you just tell them how much you know if you have nothing to show them! That s where most people struggle and miss out.

You might have worked on several problems before, but if you can t make it presentable and easy to explain, how on earth would someone know what you are capable of? That s where these projects will help you. Think of the time you ll spend on these projects like your training sessions. The mor time you spend practicing, the better you ll become!

Best Sellers in Data Science Projects in Python
Solve interesting data science problems with DeZyre's Data Science Projects in Python.
Perform Time series modelling using Facebook Prophet
In this project, we are going to talk about Time Series Forecasting to predict the electricity requirement for a particular house using Prophet.
Build an Image Classifier for Plant Species Identification
Text data requires special preparation before you can start using it for any machine learning project.In this ML project, you will learn about applying Machine Learning models to create classifiers and learn how to make sense of textual data.
Build an Image Classifier for Plant Species Identification
In this machine learning project, we will use binary leaf images and extracted features, including shape, margin, and texture to accurately identify plant species using different benchmark classification techniques.
Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Data Set
In this deep learning project, you will build a classification system where to precisely identify human fitness activities.
Perform Time series modelling using Facebook Prophet
In this project, we are going to talk about Time Series Forecasting to predict the electricity requirement for a particular house using Prophet.
Build an Image Classifier for Plant Species Identification
Text data requires special preparation before you can start using it for any machine learning project.In this ML project, you will learn about applying Machine Learning models to create classifiers and learn how to make sense of textual data.
Build an Image Classifier for Plant Species Identification
In this machine learning project, we will use binary leaf images and extracted features, including shape, margin, and texture to accurately identify plant species using different benchmark classification techniques.
Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Data Set
In this deep learning project, you will build a classification system where to precisely identify human fitness activities.
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